Compassion Focused Therapy
Online Counseling
New York
Whether it’s the comfort of your own home, the convenience of your office, or anywhere you might be. Online counseling is accessible to you wherever you have access to a quality Internet connection and a comfortable space to talk.
Meditation, breathing, movement, and imagery are all ways of connecting the mind and body. Integrative mindfulness as part of therapy help to fostering greater psychical, mental, and social well-being.
Social Justice
Power and oppression impacts physical, mental, and social well-being. Therapy informed by intersectionality recognizes how your personal healing and growth is interrelated with social justice and collective liberation.
Individual Therapy
Weekly online session (45 minutes)
Income-Based Sliding Scale: $62 - $300
TGNB Letters
Single appointment evaluation
Pay-What-You-Can: $20 - $300